The Need For Focus Begins In A Fog

Offerings are the basic unit of value creation. Nothing is more important. To create value and succeed, you must sell offerings that win the way you want to win. You must focus. It’s impossible to stay focused. There are distractions.

How do you know you must get focus? You must focus when you perceive you are in a fog. You don’t know what’s going on. There are three key signs you are in a fog.

First, you don’t understand what matters most right now. There’s confusion. You lack clarity. Second, you don’t see how things fit together. There are contradictions. You lack alignment. Third, you don’t know what actions matter most right now. There’s ambiguity. You lack priority.

If you’re in a fog about your offering, get out now. It gets worse. You must focus on what matters most right now. There’s no other way to cut through the fog.