Focus Vs Busyness

The ‘logic of focus’ is quite simple. You must see, share and do what matters most right now. You must ignore what doesn’t. It’s the key to making an offering that creates value and succeeds.

Busyness is doing things that don’t matter when you have things that do. It’s destructive. The more work you do, the less you get. You lose track of what matters. It’s a path to failure.

The fact is that what passes for focus is often just busyness. Most strategy, marketing and operations efforts are just a waste of time as well as money. You rarely get what you pay for. Things tend to get worse.

It’s an open secret. There are endless opportunities for busyness. It accomplishes nothing. You get rid of busyness by focusing on what matters. Busyness leads to failure. Focus is the path to success. It’s a clear choice. Focus or fail.